Meet Team
Norman Schmidt, M.Ed.
Hi there, I’m Norman Schmidt, founder and head writer at I work full time as a diet review author.
My family and I reside in Montana and are passionate about spending time doing fun things outdoors like hiking, skiing, and rafting.
In addition to my work online, I also have a background in journalism, teaching, and real estate, so I’m sort of a jack-of-all-trades you might say.
I hold an Master’s degree from the University of Montana.
For the past five+ years, my passion has been focused on creating and writing for websites. I pride myself on providing my readers with honest, truthful reviews of reputable products and services.
Most of the products here will be tested and reviewed by me personally, but in some cases, we will utilize testimonials from other contributors until I or another reviewer has the opportunity to try the product ourselves.
I have always been passionate about health and fitness, but over the years I have struggled with my weight and staying in shape, as life can sometimes get in the way of those things (like having kids for example!).
For this reason, I generally like to write about health-related topics and products or services that I have tried over the years or am currently using.
This helps me stay on track with my fitness and weight loss goals, and to share my results and opinions with others who might find themselves in a similar situation.
About 7 years ago I had a bit of a wake-up call from my doctor: His exact words were that I needed a “lifestyle change.” I was in my late 20s at the time and had never really worried about things like high blood pressure, cholesterol, or blood panels up until that point.
Leading up to this I had probably been drinking more than I should have, wasn’t eating the “right” foods, and had stopped working out and taking care of myself. As a result, I was now dealing with hypertension, my cholesterol numbers were through the roof, and like I said, I wasn’t even 30 yet!
I knew that if I didn’t take action in some way, things were only going to get worse for me. High cholesterol and hypertension are something that run in my family, so I was certain those numbers were going nowhere but up without some sort of intervention.
I detail some of this in some of the diets I have reviewed on the site, but around this time I had been seeing a lot of their ads on television, specifically one with Dan Marino, the former Miami Dolphins Quarterback.
I am a huge sports fan, and for some reason, this particular ad happened to stick with me. Long story short, I ended up trying Nutrisystem for the first time, lost a bunch of weight, and started what is a now a lifelong journey to better health.
Since that I time, I have been able to maintain a healthy weight (most of the time), am working out regularly, and have a renewed focus on living a healthy lifestyle.
Now, this doesn’t mean that I am always on a diet, but I do use them whenever I feel like a need to get back on track with my eating and find them useful for quick and easy options for losing weight.
In fact, I am actually trying something called intermittent fasting (read about it) at the moment, and I have been having a lot of success – this is something I plan on blogging about in the near future. In addition to intermittent fasting, I have also been really into the ketogenic and low carb diets recently, and have had a lot of success controlling my weight with these approaches to eating.
Keto isn’t for everyone, but basically you limit your net carbs to about 20 to 30 grams per day. To do that, you pretty much eliminate all sugar from your diet, and really scale back on your carb intake. If you’re not vegetarian or vegan, then this means eating plenty of fat and animal protein.
When I first started keto I was able to drop 20 pounds very fast, and then maintain the weight loss over a couple of month period.
Now, I try to stick to a low carb approach to eating, which is basically keto but not quite as strict. When I go out for lunch, I can still a hamburger, but I just ask to have it without the bun. Believe it or not, but I actually don’t miss the bun at all – the burger still tastes great.
Beyond that, I am an avid sports fan and enjoy spending time with friends and family on the lake, golf course or ski hill. I recently joined a golf league, and this helps to keep me active while spending time with friends.
Of course, physical activity is a huge part of staying health too, so we don’t just focus on diets and eating around here.
Another way that I try to stay active is by biking to work whenever I can, and one thing that has made the commute a lot more enjoyable is having an e-Bike. If you’re not familiar with them, be sure to check out my Rad Power Bike review!
My wife and I recently bought an eBike and they are seriously the best purchase I have made in years. I had no idea that electric bikes could be so much fun. You still have to pedal, though, so it’s a great way to get some exercise to and from work each day, while still being able to top 20 mph while you’re doing it!
I sincerely hope that you find this site useful in some way, and really appreciate you stopping by. If you have any questions about any diet products, the reviews here, or would like to see us cover a topic, please visit the contact page below.
Thanks again, and best of luck on your journey to better health!