Medifast Dining Out Guide: What to Eat at Restaurants

Medifast Dining Out Guide: What to Eat at Restaurants
(Last Updated On: June 1, 2020)

In the modern world, eating meals away from home is not uncommon. Thanks to the price, smell, and satisfaction of the food prepared outside your kitchen, it’s hard NOT to indulge a little too much.

Hence the reason for the Medifast Dining Out Guide, because it serves a valuable purpose for modern people and their choices when it comes to take-out.

Whether you prefer to eat at a fancy restaurant, where the waiter speaks fluent French and no English, or if you are stopping at the nearest drive-through, you can still make healthier choices that won’t have such a negative impact on your life.

And all the information you require has been summed up nicely in the Medifast Dining Out Guide.

Medifast Dining Out Guide: How it Works


Make no mistake; this isn’t a diet plan or something that aims to help you lose weight. Instead, the focus of the guide is to maintain balance in your life.

The fact of the matter is that everyone is strapped for time. Even with all the technology that is making everything more “convenient”, people are trying to live at the same speed as the technology they use. This also means making bad choices on the fly.

When it comes to eating, we tend to be less mindful, seeing as time is of the essence. And eating is something we can do quickly, especially when you’ve got places to be and people to see.

At the same time, eating out forms part of celebrations and just taking some time to relax. And who wants to think about health risks when they finally get to spend some quality time with the family?

We simply don’t notice that the portions are getting bigger, and the quicker we eat, the more we want. We also don’t pay much attention to the way the food is prepared, but that can change.

The Medifast Dining Out Guide is going to provide you with healthy eating plans, specifically for when you are dining out. And as mentioned earlier, it doesn’t matter how expensive the restaurant is or how hard it might be to hear that take-away employee over the intercom, the eating plans will have it covered.

What to Expect when Eating Out

two people share food from a dinner plate

While the eating plans do form a fundamental place within the guide, it’s not just about what you eat. In fact, there are several things that go into your ultimate choice to order something at a restaurant, and the guide brings your attention to these factors.

And seeing as there are many different levels to this guide, let’s also do a quick breakdown of what the guide entails.

Clear Guidelines

First off, you’ll be introduced to the eating guidelines. And take note that every recommendation that is put together is based mainly on nutritional value.

In order to simplify it even more, the guide respectively separates the lean, green, healthy fats, and condiments.

For example, when you look at the lean section, the guide recommends going with the leanest possible portions, as well as bone and skinless. And with the healthy fats, it suggests ordering food naked, while having dressing and sauces on the side.

Of course, these aren’t the only tips, but you get the idea of what the guide is trying to do. Essentially, it wants to equip you with enough knowledge to make quick and healthy decisions.

Easy-to-Follow Dining Tips

shrimp sits in a pile of veggies

The second important part of the guide is focused on dining tips, which are divided into three sections.

The first section is Food Choices, and it provides you with more information about how meals are typically prepared and how you should order. From buffets to beverages, all the valuable tips and helpful information will open your eyes to your food choices.

The second section is Behavior Choice, which looks at some of the external factors that influence your dining decisions. For example, the section covers mindful eating and even choosing the right people to dine with. That’s right, the pace with which you eat and the people you share a meal with can actually influence your eating habits.

For instance, your stomach needs time to digest each bite, before it can signal you to stop eating. Now, chewing more before swallowing and paying attention to the texture and taste of the food, right down to the last bite, will curb your portions significantly.

Thirdly, you will get the Maintenance Tips. And this section is going to take you deeper into the eating plan. More specifically, it will help you to really change your perspective about eating out, while still enjoying every moment.

All in all, the dining tips are more than just convenient, and they don’t require much energy to implement.

Huge List of Foods You Can Enjoy

Telling you that the Medifast Dining Out Guide has an extensive list of meals you typically order at restaurants and fast food establishments would be an understatement. Instead, expect to come across the most extensive list out there. And the best part is that the guide is solely focused on helping you make healthier choices.

Final Thoughts

Obviously, implementing an eating plan isn’t something you do without some effort. But once you have this knowledge, it will naturally begin to help you make better choices.

Or, more specifically, healthier eating choices. And instead of having to worry about the damage you are going to do when dining, you can simply enjoy every second without any regret.

Bottom Line: the Medifast Dining Guide is a must-have for every individual and family.

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