Does Progresso Soup Diet Work or is it Just another Fad?

Does Progresso Soup Diet Work or is it Just another Fad?
(Last Updated On: June 2, 2020)


We hear about different fad diets all of the time around here – it runs the gamut from people trying things that revolve around copious amounts of grapefruits, to asking us if we’ve ever heard of the alkaline diet.

There’s one big problem with most of these diets, though – they’re FADS. That typically means that they most likely aren’t going to work over the long term.

Sure, they might help you lose weight in a short amount of time, but there’s a pretty good chance you’ll end up putting most of the lost pounds back on, as soon as you go back to your old habits.

Enter, the Progresso Soup Diet. We’ve been hearing a lot about this one recently, so we figured it was time to take a closer look to see what the hype is really all about.

Below, we’ll examine how it works, the results you can expect, and if it’s something that can produce long-term results. We’ll also show you a healthier alternative.

How Does the Soup Diet Work?

can you really lose weight with progresso soup

Like many other fad diets, the general principal behind the Progresso Soup Diet is that you will be replacing most of your meals for the day with soup. In theory, you should watch the weight fall off as a result of this switch.

While I haven’t found an official blueprint for how this Progresso diet is supposed to work, it sounds like you replace 2 to 3 of your meals every day with 1 can of soup.

Progresso offers a wide variety of soups to choose from, but it sounds like people have had the most success with their low-calorie options.

These are soups that typically contain about 100 calories per serving.

Hopefully, you’re getting the picture of why this diet would be effective at helping you lose weight – you’d potentially only be consuming a few hundred calories per day if soup was the only thing you were eating.

Let’s say, though, you were eating two cans of soup per day, and then a low-calorie dinner option. Then you might be taking in 1000 to 1200 calories, which is still going to be in that weight loss zone but isn’t exactly the healthiest way to shed pounds, either.

If you were to try a diet of this magnitude, you would want to consult closely with your doctor first.

Obviously, though, this diet isn’t meant to be a long-term solution to weight loss, or a program that should be followed for any significant length of time.

With that in mind, let’s look at some smarter options for weight loss, that can also help you maintain your results over the long haul.

Healthier Alternatives to the Soup Diet

Our main focus at is healthy ways to lose weight. For that reason, we can’t recommend the Progresso Soup Diet as a means of weight loss. There are some systems out there, though, that produce pretty amazing results and provide you with the building blocks for maintaining a healthy weight for the rest of your life.

1. Noom

If you’re looking for a healthy, long-term solution to your weight issues, then Noom may be your best solution.

They center their system around a few key principles:

  • Healthy Eating Plan
  • Being More Physically Active
  • A Support Community – Chat with Other Members & Expert Dieticians
  • Huge Food List & Menu Planner

If it sounds simple, that’s because it is! The difference here, though, is this diet certainly isn’t a fad. They teach you the exact keys to healthy eating and show you ways to incorporate more exercise into your daily life.

When you combine the two and follow their system, you should see a significant amount of weight loss, while also setting yourself up with the skills necessary to maintain a healthy lifestyle and weight for the rest of your life!

Sound like a good fit? Read more with our full review of Noom and see if it’s right for you.

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